Frequently Asked Questions

Here, you’ll find answers to frequently asked questions about our products, services, and policies. We’ve compiled this information to help you quickly resolve any queries and make the most of your experience with us. Whether you need details about shipping, returns, warranties, or anything else, we aim to provide clear and helpful answers. If you don’t find the information you’re looking for, feel free to contact us directly—we’re here to help!

What Happens if I Need a Replacement Unit?

Every part we provide comes with a two-replacement warranty. If the part you receive doesn’t work, we’ll send you a replacement; no need to send the original back. The replacement part comes with the same promise, and if the second replacement doesn’t work for you, we’ll give you a full refund.

How Does Shipping Work?

We ship all parts, including warranty replacements, via UPS Next Day Air at no extra cost to you within the contiguous United States. (Shipping may be charged for Alaska, Hawaii, and Canada.)

What is your Return Policy?

If the ECU we’ve provided doesn’t fit your needs, you can return it for a full refund any time within 30 days of purchase. Our return policy is no-risk; we do not charge any service or restocking fees.

How Can I Pay for My Orders?

We accept all major credit cards including Visa, Mastercard, and Discover. We also accept PayPal.

What are the Main Types of Automotive Computers?

The first frequently asked questions that we need to specify more on are the types of modules aThree of the four main types of automotive computers concern the vehicle parts that transform the latent energy in gasoline or diesel into the force that turns the wheels against the pavement. These parts are collectively known as the “powertrain,” and its two main components are the engine and the transmission.

In some vehicles, the engine and transmission are each controlled by their own computers – the engine control module (ECM) and the transmission control module (TCM). As for newer vehicles, both are governed together by a single computer called a powertrain control module, or PCM.

In addition, a vehicle may have a body control module, or BCM. A BCM doesn’t affect the fundamental operation of the vehicle. Instead, it controls various accessories on the vehicle, such as electronic locking, power windows and mirrors, and climate control.

What Does the Computer in a Car Do?

Automotive computers control various aspects of your vehicle’s operation. While they are mainly used to monitor and regulate engine sensors and processes, some computers control the other electronic systems in the vehicle as well. Now more than ever, automotive performance relies on a level of precision that only a computer can provide.

How Can I Tell if a Vehicle’s Computer Isn’t Working Right?

Our most common, frequently asked question involved the diagnosing of automotive computer issues. The most obvious indicator of a faulty automotive computer is a Check Engine light that comes on without anything being obviously wrong with the vehicle. But if you’ve checked or replaced the sensor or system in question and the light continues to come on, the computer itself may be at fault.


An indication that ECM is failing can be when the engine runs roughly, stalls sporadically, or refuses to start. Once mechanical issues have been ruled out, such as dirty spark plugs or stuck valves, consider the possibility of an ECM failure. Similarly, if the vehicle isn’t running as well as it should be, the ECM could be to blame. For example, if it isn’t properly regulating the fuel flow, the gas mileage could possibly drop far below your vehicle’s normal levels.


If the TCM is having problems, aside from seeing the Check Engine light, you might also notice that the transmission isn’t acting the way it should be. Perhaps it’s not shifting at the right times, or when it does, it feels unnaturally jerky or sluggish. Or it may not even shift at all. These can all be a sign that your TCM isn’t doing its job.


Because a PCM combines the function of an ECM and TCM, any number of the above problems could occur if the vehicle’s powertrain control module is on the fritz. If it seems like the engine and transmission are both giving you problems and you don’t know why, the PCM might be at fault.


While the vehicle might be running smoothly, there are a number of other problems that may arise when a BCM is out of commission. The keyless entry may no longer work. The car alarm might not go off when it needs to. The climate control system might not deliver the temperature it’s set for. Similar to the PCM, the BCM controls so many things that can go wrong at the same time. Before you completely give up on the vehicle, check to see if it’s just the BCM that’s driving customers mad.